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Wet Decals

Brand: Printscale Model: 48-023
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Brand: Printscale Model: 48-022
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Ex Tax:£15.99
Brand: Printscale Model: 72-034
1. Albatros D.Va, July 1917. 2. Albatros D.Va, Ltn. Paul Baumer, Jasta 5, Boistrancourt aerodrome, January 1918. 3. Albatros D.Va, Jasta 43, Ltn. Josef Raesch, 1918. 4. Albatros D Va, Walter B ning, Jagdstaffel 76b Lieramont, France, March 1918. 5. Albatros D.Va D.7353/17, Olt. Hans-Joa..
Ex Tax:£14.99
Brand: Printscale Model: 72-037
1. Albatros D lll (Def) 253,218 from the 7th Escadra Myslyvska (Fighting Sguadron). This aircraft belonged to Kpt. Merlam Cooper Klev. May 1920 2. Albatros D lll 253,64. This aircraft was flown by kpt. Geza Keist. August 1918   Review :
Ex Tax:£14.99
Brand: Printscale Model: 48-042
1. Albatros D lll (Oef) 253.218 2. Albatros D lll 253.64 3. Albatros D lll 253 ..
Ex Tax:£25.99
Brand: Printscale Model: 72-089
1. 3583, an Oxford I of No.24 Air School, South African Air Force, Nigel, Transvaal, in 1944-45. The green stripes and nacelles denoted that the aircraft was used for Beam Approach Training and therefore to be avoided. 2. PG 951 was one of the Oxford T1 used in the Middle East at the end of the W..
Ex Tax:£15.99
Brand: Printscale Model: 72-206
1. E13A1. Unit/Location: Heavy Cruiser "Tone", Attack on Pearl Harbor, 07.12.1941. Code: Red JI-1. Pilot: Yoishi Takahashi. Historical occasion: 30 minutes prior to the first attacking wave this plane flew to the  Lahaina-anchorage at Hawaii to find no American fleet units present. 2. E13A1. Unit..
Ex Tax:£15.99
Brand: Printscale Model: 72-180
1. Aichi D3A1 Model 11 Unit/Location: 1. Koku Sentai, Carrier Akagi, Pearl Harbor, 07.12.41.Code: Red AI-210 Pilot: Zenji Abe.  2. Aichi D3A1 Model 11 Unit/Location: 5. Koku Sentai, Carrier Zuikaku. Pearl Harbour 07.12.1941. Code: Red EII-201, Pilot: Akira Sakamoto. 3. Aichi D3A1 Model 11 U..
Ex Tax:£15.99
Showing 853 to 864 of 880 (74 Pages)
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