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Wet Decals

Brand: Printscale Model: 72-041
1. CH-47 No.89-00150 "The Black Pearl"  2. CH-47D No.71-20955 "Widow Maker"  3. CH-47D No.90-00217  4. CH-47 No. 67-18452 "Boony Bus' 5. CH-47 No.67-18440 - "The Virgin Hunter".  6. Boeing build number B-206, was a CH-47A helicopter. The U.S. Army acceptanc..
Ex Tax:£17.99
Brand: Printscale Model: 48-044
1. Marilyn Monroe 89-00143 Boeing CH-47D Chinook 158th Aviation Company US Army Aviation 2011 2. CH-47D 87-00109 was crewed by SSG Greg Riss 3. CH-47D 90-00211, Boeing D model kit number M3363, was a CH-47D helicopter. The U.S. Army acceptance date was 19 September 1991. 4. A CH-47A Chino..
Ex Tax:£18.99
Brand: Printscale Model: 48-043
1. CH-47D, 89-00150, “Black Pearl”, Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) in Afganistan,between 2007 and 2009   2. 71-20955, was known as the "Widow Maker". On 27 April 1983, 71-20955 was performing a mission to an island mountain top in support of the United States Air Force (USAF).  3. 90-00217,..
Ex Tax:£20.99
Brand: Printscale Model: 32-008
1. CH-47A, 67-18440 “Virgin Hunter”, 159th ASHB, 101st Airborne Division. Beginning 70th, Vietnam. 2. CH-47A, 66-00047 “Happy Hippie”, Vietnam, circa 1969. 3. CH-47A, “Wild Thang”of the 178th MHC, American Division, at Chu Lai, during July of 1970...
Ex Tax:£23.99
Brand: Printscale Model: 32-007
1. CH-47D, 89-00150, “Black Pearl”, Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) in Afganistan, between 2007 and 2009 2. 71-20955, was known as the "Widow Maker". On 27 April 1983, 71-20955 was performing a mission to an island mountain top in support of the United States Air Force (USAF). 3. 90-00217, B..
Ex Tax:£23.99
Brand: Printscale Model: 72-131
1. L-19A of the 8th Army was used to transport President elect Dwight D. Eisenhower on an inspection trip of Korea in December of 1952. 2. TO-1D carries the high visibility Gloss White end Red scheme used for aircraft that operated over the Arctic or jungle areas. 3. Cessna O-1D " Little Annie..
Ex Tax:£15.99
Brand: Printscale Model: 72-111
Made by modeller  Tamati Blundell from New Zealand:  Made by modeller  Ed Thompson from Orlando, Florida: ..
Ex Tax:£15.99
Brand: Printscale Model: 48-076
1.Сessna A-37B Dragonfly of the 524th Fighter Squadron, 62nd Tactical Wing 2nd Air Division located at Nha Trang during 1969. The A-37B gradually replaced the A-1 as the VNAF’s main fighter-bomber. 2. Сessna A-37B Dragonfly of the 516th Fighter Squadron,41st Tactical Wing, 1st Air Division based ..
Ex Tax:£17.99
Brand: Printscale Model: 72-085
1. Bae Buccaneer S.Mk.2B - XX895 — G, "Jaws/Lynn/Glenfiddich" Transit from Muharraq Air Base, Bahrain to RAF Lossiemouth 17th march 1991. 2. Bae Buccaneer S.Mk.2B - XW547 - R, "Guinness Girl Pauline The Macallan". Transit from Muharraq Air Base, Bahrain to RAF Lossiemouth 17th march 1991. 3...
Ex Tax:£20.99
Brand: Printscale Model: 72-100
1. Bristol Blenheim Mk.l K7078:139 J of No.139 Squadron, RAF Wyton late 1937. 2. Bristol Blenheim Mk.l K7045:114-Z of No.114 Squadron, RAF Wyton, 1938. 3. Bristol Blenheim Mk.lf L1426:RX-M of No.25 Squadron seen at RAF Northolt, August 1939. 4. Bristol Blenheim Mk.l BL-138 of 1LeLv 41, F..
Ex Tax:£20.99
Showing 793 to 804 of 880 (74 Pages)
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