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Wet Decals

Brand: Printscale Model: 48-300
F-4B BuNo.151506 AG 200 flown by Cdr Lewis Scott Lamoreaux CO and Lt Richard L. 'Dick’ Richards of VF-84 Jolly Rogers, USS USS Independence, 1965.F-4B 151491 Delivered to the United States Navy. Assigned to VF-84 "Jolly Rogers" as AG-204...
Ex Tax:£23.99
Brand: Printscale Model: 72-509
Ki-61-I-Kai, 59th Air Combat Regiment, 2rd Company. Home Island Defence, Fukuoka. Japan. summer 1945.Ki-61 68 Sentai Hombu B51 Capt Akita Ozonaki New Guinea 1943.Ki-61 l, 68th Air Combat Regiment, Company Commander 2nd Company. Cape  Gloucester. New Britain, Bismark Archipelago. December 1..
Ex Tax:£15.99
Model: 72-524
1. Curtiss P-40N-5, 663/13, flown Cpt Want Kuang Fu, Laohow, China, January 1945.2. Curtiss P-40N, FAB-4079/1 flown by the C.O. 1/14 GAV Pampa Squadron, Brazilian Air Force,October 1953.3. Curtiss P-40E, (White 65) flown by Maj. Petr Afanas’evich Pokryshev, 154th IAP, Soviet Air Force, Leningrad, Su..
Ex Tax:£15.00
Brand: Printscale Model: 72-527
P-47D-28-RA G9-A, SN 22-8443 509th F.S., 405 F.G. flown by Major Kinne. Natural Metal with Red prop hub, cowl ring and tail stripes. Note abscense of Red canopy framing. Wing bottoms and wheel covers show only the White stripe.P-47D-28-RE SN 41-9965 362nd FG (Chief Seattle).P-47D-22-RE, G9..
Ex Tax:£21.99
Brand: Printscale Model: 72-528
Albatros D.ll flown by Vzfw. Kohler of Jasta 9, 1917.Albatros D.ll (OAW), 910/16 flown by Lt. Max Bohme of Jasta 5, after being downed 4 March 1917 by Lt. A. J. Pearson of No. 29 Squadron, RFC and Lts. Graham and Boddy of l l Squadron, REC. lt was assigned British capture number G.14.Future Ord..
Ex Tax:£14.99
Brand: Printscale Model: 48-277
1. Fokker Dr.l 204/17 of Vzfw. Paul Baumer Jasta Boelcke, Halluin-Ost, May 1918.2 .Fokker Dr.l 413/17 of Oblt. Karl Bolle Jasta Boelcke,  Halluin-Ost, May 1918.3. Fokker Dr.l 556/17 from Lt. Ludwig “Lutz” Beckmann, Jasta 6, Lechelle, March 1918...
Ex Tax:£17.99
Brand: Printscale Model: 72-464
The set is dedicated to one of the most legendary jet aircraft of the British Air Force of the 50s and 60s. The kit scale is 1/72. You can build excellent models of the following modifications: 1. Hunter F.1 WT 692/S No 54 Squadron, August 1955. 2. Hunter F.4 WW 658/0, No 98 Squ..
Ex Tax:£15.99
Brand: Printscale Model: 72-517
Legendary aircraft of World War II:  variants of combat vehicles of later modifications that participated in battles in the skies over Europe in 1944-45 are presented. 1/72 scale kit: 1. Spitfire Mk.XIVc NH718/“3W G”, flown by Major K. C. Kuhlmann, No .322 “Dutch” Squadron, ..
Ex Tax:£15.99
Brand: Printscale Model: 72-519
1. F-4B BuNo.151506 AG 200 flown by Cdr Lewis Scott Lamoreaux CO and Lt Richard L. 'Dick’ Richards of VF-84 Jolly Rogers, USS USS Independence, 1965.2. F-4B, 151492, AG 206, Delivered to the United States Navy. 1965: VF-84 "Jolly Rogers" as AG-206. VF-154 as NE-x01.1967: VF-21 "Free Lancers" as..
Ex Tax:£15.99
Showing 25 to 36 of 880 (74 Pages)
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