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AWG-10 APG-59 Radar for Phantom II F-4 J/S PSR32012 Scale 1:32 AWG-10 APG-59 Radar for Phantom II F-4 J/S PSR32012 Scale 1:32
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Brand: PS Resin Model: PSR32012
Vehicles equipped with this radarF-4J Phantom II   F-4J(UK) Phantom IIF-4S Phantom II Phantom FG.1Phantom FGR.2..
Ex Tax:£39.99
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Hispano-Suiza 8 water-cooled V8 SOHC aero engine..
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Bloch MB.221 Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress Boeing 307 Stratoliner Brewster F2A Buffalo Curtiss AT-32-A Condor Curtiss SBC-4 Helldiver Curtiss P-36 Mohawk Curtiss SC Seahawk Curtiss-Wright CW-21 Douglas A-33 Douglas B-18 Bolo Douglas DC-2 Douglas DC-3 (DST, G-102 and G-202) Douglas R4D-8/C..
Ex Tax:£15.99
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